• if your heart is in your dream, no request is too extreme

    RECAP of 2013

    Well considering that I was on my mission for half of 2013 I decided to post a little about the areas that I was serving in with pictures and then move on to when I got home!


    In January I was serving in Lake Forest Park Ward which is in the Shoreline Stake. I was on my second transfer training Sister Steed and I really thought that I was going to be transferred because I had already been in Shoreline since October-ish. The first picture is from 01/01/2013, it was p-day and we went Ice Skating as a district. The second picture is from our temple trip right before transfers. 


    In February I was still in Shoreline but with my new trainee, Sister LeBaron! We were famous for our "selfies" even though we did not use that term because it hadn't been invented yet, or rather we had never heard of that term. Sister LeBaron and I were together for only one transfer because I white-washed into a new area with a new trainee and because she went Spanish after her first transfer! 


    In March I got transferred to the wonderful Beverly Park Ward in the Lynnwood Stake. I became companions with Sister Gale and we were on bike! It definitely reminded me of when I was trained on bike in Redmond, and I felt super cool because I was the only sister who had ever served on bike in the mission at the time so I got to train cute Sister Gale on one of the best means of transportation besides walking. Ha ha ha. The first picture was from our very first day together and I feel like you can totally tell because we look like we are still awkward around each other. The second picture is of me all bundled up (looking gross and huge like on A Christmas Story) ready to get going on my pink-broken down-bike!


    In April I was still serving in Bev Park with Sister Gale. I donated blood for the first real time in my life (the first time I tried was a complete disaster almost scaring me away for life from every trying to donate blood ever again) and we had a Sisters Luncheon where I posed with my [at the time] five daughters. Oh mission posterity...it is so great! [from left to right: Sisters LeBaron, Steed, Gale, Shuler, & Amataga]


    In May I was still in Bev Park with Sister Gale and we celebrated my birthday and many other fantastic events. I injured my foot causing us to temporarily get a car where I couldn't drive because of my foot so Sister Gale went behind the wheel. I think if it hadn't been for that injury I could've potentially stayed in Bev Park for my last transfer before coming home, but I suppose that I was transferred because that is where the Lord needed me to go at that time.


    In June I was transferred to Silverlake YSA Ward which covered two stakes, both Everett and Snohomish! I started to train Sister Hale and we whitewashed the area. This was kind of a hard transfer for me because it was my last one and my mission president was leaving and I had to start saying goodbye to so many of my new friends. But it was a great time and I definitely miss the ward dearly! The first picture is of me and Sister Hale, the second is from my last sisters luncheon with my daughters! [From left to right: Sisters Shuler, Steed, Hale, myself, Gale, LeBaron, & Amataga] The third picture is my entire posterity minus one sister who left early, I know there are much more now that I have come home but I am super proud of all my daughters/granddaughters/greatgranddaughters/etc. :)


    In July I went on a super fun p-day adventure with my district up to some ice caves. It was a gorgeous day and it just made me fall even more in love with Washington and the Pacific Northwest. We said goodbye to President and Sister Wilson and welcomed President and Sister Bonham. Then I prepared to leave with some pretty spectacular Elders. Then I came home...and that was pretty amazing too.


    In August we took a "welcome home alyssa/we need to go on a family trip" trip. It was epic. We went to Disneyland and then to Hawaii. Us Chudleigh kids are so spoiled. Our parents are so sweet!


    In September Diana and myself went back up to school at BYU-Idaho. This was my last semester and so Diana and I decided to live together, and I must say, we did pretty well! I totally thought that I would never be able to live with a sibling at school, but Diana and I get along super well and we were able to make it work!


    In October we went home for General Conference (which was odd because normally we never come home in the middle of the semester). I had my first mission reunion and it was really great to see my mission friends! I missed them all so much! It was also great to see President and Sister Wilson. I love them like I love my own parents. 


    In November we went to my grandparents house for Thanksgiving. We haven't been to their home for a holiday in years because last time we tried it was horrific weather and it was just a super scary drive. This time wasn't bad and we got to see my grandparents open their mission call! So fun to be with the extended family for Thanksgiving!


    In December I graduated (finally!), I celebrated christmas with the family and then we went on an epic trip to Orlando for the New Year! We are pictured at Universal Studios, Magic Kingdom, and our hotel taking a selfie....cause we are that cool. 

    So that was 2013! It was a pretty fantastic year full of many wonderful things and blessings up the wazoo! I am super excited for 2014 and for what it is going to bring for me. 

    Farewell 2013, hello 2014!


    1. what a great year, alyssa! lots of big milestones - congratulations!
