• if your heart is in your dream, no request is too extreme

    conversion wednesday

    This is Ness.

    I like her british accent and her story. I hope you enjoy! Love hearing why people are members of the church!

    Here is why Ness is Mormon:

    "Only when I have a reason to do a particular thing, can I commit to it. As I have attended church, I have heard a constant emphasis and invitation for everyone to find out for themselves whether there is validity and truth in the teachings. And so I have spent time finding my own reasons for living as a mormon…I find the teachings of Jesus Christ (found in the Bible and The Book of Mormon) to be irresistible. When I study them I feel inspired to be my best self; a bit kinder, more patient, more generous and fair. When I try to align my life with Jesus’ teachings, I feel centred, peaceful and able to be positive about others and situations in which I find myself. Central to these teachings is that change is possible, that no one need remain in negative cycles. I believe that change is possible and I am grateful for a faith that teaches that principle."

    To learn more about the mormon religion click here.


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