• if your heart is in your dream, no request is too extreme

    baby names

    random post? yes.

    i dont know about the rest of you, but i absolutely LOVE to come up with baby names. now they change pretty much on a yearly basis or according to my mood, but i still love to do it all the same.

    i remember in elementary school i went through a phase where i wanted to name all of my kids long names like Victoria or Samantha and i was determined that at least one of my girls (because i was going to have soooo many) was going to be named Becky, just plain old Becky. i have no idea why i was so adamant about that, but it certainly has changed since.

    i went through a phase where all of my kids were going to be named special places like Paris, Florence, and Lundyn (yes, i was going to be one of those people who makes the spelling of their childrens names difficult!).

    i do have a current list that i try to update with new names i like and i try to remove the ones that dont have any meaning to me anymore. the only problem is that the list is like 20 names long...and there is no way i am having that many children...so i guess i will just have to narrow the names down after i get married and my husband tells me he 'hates the name "Jude" because it reminds him of his ex-roommate who was a pig'--well, you know what i mean.

    pic via flickr


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