• if your heart is in your dream, no request is too extreme

    Because Im HAPPY!

    Here is a list of five things that are making me terribly happy right NOW:

    Dr Who. It always takes me a minute to get adjusted to a new Dr but I am interested to see how this season turns out! Yay!

    The Farallones. They house a freakishly large amount of Great White Sharks and oh yeah, they are considered part of San Francisco. Just a tad bit obsessed lately...blame it on Shark Week if you must, but I have been fascinated by these creatures for longer than that!

    A nice warm bed to crawl into. I haven't fully organized my room, so no photos, sorry!

    Handwritten letters. I was going through one of the many boxes that are in my room and found all of my mission letters that I needed to organize and it was amazing to see how many people wrote me and took that time to write handwritten letters! It is amazing and I am still so super grateful for those letters. Thanks to all who wrote me. :)

    New clothes and new books. You know that feeling where you are sick of every last article of clothing that you own? Yes, I am past that point, so I went shopping with Diana on Tuesday and got a couple of new shirts and a couple of new skirts and now I feel like I have a whole new wardrobe. Love that feeling! Also, new book smell...seriously, need I say more?


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